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Unlimited SMTP Servers


Unlimited SMTP Server Setups

Take Control with Self-Hosted Unlimited SMTP Servers
For businesses that demand total ownership of their infrastructure while maintaining access to professional SMTP software, Unlimited SMTP offers Self-Hosted Unlimited SMTP Servers. With this option, your data remains entirely within your control while benefiting from our powerful SMTP technology.

What Are Self-Hosted SMTP Servers?
Self-hosted SMTP servers are deployed on your own hardware or infrastructure, whether on-premises or in your chosen data center. While we maintain and manage the SMTP software, the server hardware and data are entirely under your control.

You only pay a setup fee once, and you’re covered for life!

Self Hosted

Unlimited SMTP Servers

A self hosted Unlimited SMTP Server, without any monthly costs!

Unlimited SMTP Server

One time billing!
$ 495
/setup (one time fee)
1 Dedicated IP
Automated speed throttling
50,000 email cleaning credits

Unlimited SMTP Server

One time billing!
$ 695
/setup (one time fee)
3 Dedicated IPs
Automated speed throttling
75,000 email cleaning credits
15% Discount

Unlimited SMTP Server

One time billing!
$ 795
/setup (one time fee)
5 Dedicated IPs
Automated speed throttling
100,000 email cleaning credits
25% Discount

Have a look at our Cloud Hosted SMTP Servers.

How does a Self Hosted SMTP Server setup work?

Self Hosted Unlimited SMTP Server

I order to receive your self hosted SMTP Server you will need:

1. A server or VPS to run the software on

Your self hosted SMTP can be installed on any server or VPS rubbing Ubuntu 22.04 or any later version. The server needs an open port 25.

2. A domain name to send emails from

Your emails needs to be send for a…
So for this you would need to have a domain name you can send from using our software. That’s all!

3. No Technical Skills required!

Our software will be installed by our technicians, on your server via the command line. This mean we need 1 time acces to your server. After this simply change any passwords, or remove our SSH key from your server to revoke access.

4. Setup your domain’s DNS

We will provide you with records you will need to add to the domain’s DNS. We’re here in case you require any assistance.

Unlimited SMTP Group Meeting
Unlimited SMTP Honest Advise

Why Choose Self-Hosted SMTP Servers?

Your data on your own infrastructure

What Our Customers Say

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Professional SMTP Services Since 2004

Developed by emailers For emailers!

For every emailer!

We believe that every emailer should have access to high-end and affordable SMTP Servers.

In-house development

Our proprietary Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is fully developed and maintained in-house.

True global coverage

With over 300 active SMTP Servers on 5 continents, we are a true global SMTP provider.

Unlimited SMTP Logo Grey

Unlimited SMTP provides cloud & self hosted SMTP Server setup without any limitations. Remain 100% anonymous, pay with crypto and enjoy the best unlimited  email server setups you could not even dream of.